Monday, March 17, 2014

2014 Calendar

In addition to our paid holidays for the year, we also take 5 paid personal days.  Any additional vacation days we take after that will be of no charge to you.  If you are on vacation, please remember that you must continue to pay to hold your child’s space.

Friday, April 18: OPEN for Good Friday due to snow days- we follow local school schedule on this
Monday, April 28: paid personal day
Monday, May 26: paid holiday for Memorial Day
Friday, July 4: paid holiday for 4th of July
Monday, September 1: paid holiday for Labor Day
Monday, October 13: paid personal day
Wednesday, November 26: paid personal day
Thursday/Friday November 27/28: paid holiday for Thanksgiving
Wednesday, December 24: paid holiday for Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 25: paid holiday for Christmas Day
Friday, December 26: paid personal day
Wednesday, December 31: paid holiday for New Year’s Eve
(Thursday, January 1, 2015: paid holiday for New Year’s Day)

2 paid days remain- we will let you know as soon as we get them arranged.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday Focus: Merryweather

I'm going to do my best to get Friday Focus started again!  I've lost track of where I was or who should be next, so I'm going by age order and starting with Merryweather.

This child explodes with personality.  She is delightful and goofy and sassy.  Hot Sports Opinions on just about everything, and always ready for a hug and a snuggle.  I will say I am ready for her to be out of the stage where she can stand on tiptoe and reach up to pull things off the counter.  She can't see them, and just figures there's probably something good she needs up there.  My kids leave their breakfast dishes on the table sometimes when they go off to school and I've had to clean leftover cereal and milk and glasses of water up quite a bit lately.  She does it while I'm cooking lunch too and I have to do a dance to keep the cutting board back far enough that she can't get it, but still stand away from it.  She tries to weasel her way between the cabinet and my legs most of the time and wants to squish her head.  I have to leave space.

Evidence of her head, pre-squishing.  Not sure what she was doing with her hood in this picture but I have a whole series of them.  Odd.

What?  I'm not trying to climb on the couch.  For real.

Lunch is very tiring.  Sometimes you just have to take a little nap.

She's decided she loves this duck.  I don't understand the fascination with it, but when I had Lady last year, she loved it too.  I had to keep it in her box because she wanted to sleep with it at naptime.  Merryweather can't quite quack yet but she makes a funny attempt at it.

We went outside several days this week since the weather is finally nice.  I got the stroller out for the babies who are too little to sit in the grass and she would NOT believe me that we weren't taking a walk.  She thought I was gonna take everyone else out and leave her there in the yard, I think.  She insisted on getting in.  Then she realized I wasn't kidding and the stroller was just going to be sitting there with babies in it while Merida ran around the yard without her.  This is the face I got.  I'm pretty sure she's wishing bad things upon me.  :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mawwiage Is What Bwings Us Togevah Today

So I realized I didn't have a blog name for Assistant.  She says she wants to be Anna from Frozen.  I think my family is the last in America who hasn't seen the movie yet.  I had to ask which girl that was and she said, "not the one with the powers.  The one who gets engaged to a guy she just met."

Which is funny because she just got married after a rather short engagement.  Some of us went to the wedding.  It was really pretty.

Vanellope in her fancy dress, checking out Anna's fancy dress too.

My Duchess was a junior bridesmaid and had her first updo.  So SO cute.  It was freezing cold and so she borrowed a suit jacket from Vanellope's daddy.

Merryweather and Aurora with Mama and Auntie Doll, and me and Duchess.