Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer Curriculum

I totally understand that it makes sense to have the theme for June as "Fun in the Sun". We have that and also a mini-unit on the water cycle coming up. However, our curriculum is based out of Michigan or Minnesota or one of those northern M states where they just don't really get the southern heat we have working here. I'm not having much fun in the sun right now- we were able to be outside less than half an hour this morning before they gasped and sweated and begged to come in.

And July? I'm afraid. It's "Going Camping". ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I can't even think about camping until about October.

Being on vacation last week, and also getting our June box late, we've only done three days of work so far, and it's already the 16th. I'm seriously thinking about working at our own pace, taking the rest of the month to do just the sun stuff, saving the water stuff for July, and saving the camping stuff until the fall. I'd love to actually try to do some kind of family camping thing, but OH PLEASE NOT NOW. I will fall down from heat stroke.

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