This is Mu-shu. If you haven't seen Mulan, Mu-shu is the little Chinese dragon that follows her around and talks to her, kind of like Jiminy Cricket but not so wise, since he's voiced by Eddie Murphy. I was trying to think of what I could call him and I figured this was a good choice since they live in China.
He's gone back home now, but I'm still going through pictures. Eating lunch is really hard work.
He was actually on the way up in this second picture because he heard me laughing at him, but he just couldn't get his eyes to open...
When I took the tray off, his head leaned forward and thunked into the side of the chair. Audibly. It didn't phase him a bit.
It amazes me how they can fall asleep in the strangest places!
I wish I could sleep like that.
So cute!
Such a sweet, sleepy baby!
What a sweetie. I love your blog format! Thanks for visiting my blog, too...
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