Here are a few pictures from before Alice left. I made green smoothie for breakfast one morning and she and Merryweather both liked it. Kinda surprised me- I was expecting more fuss about it, but they sucked it right down. It actually is pretty good- for sure the only way I'm willing to eat spinach or kale.
Then we walked over to the elementary school to have lunch with Duchess. Now that I have a new quad stroller, we can actually get inside. The last one I had was about two inches wider and it wouldn't fit through the front door. Super annoying. Now we can travel!! My kids are always so excited to see the babies, and they like it when I bring them cookies too. I figure I better do this while they still are happy to see me, right?
I packed a lunch for Alice so she could sit with Duchess like a big girl. She was pretty impressed at the time, although later when I asked her if she'd had a fun day she told me no. :)
One of Duchess's friends fell in love with Merryweather and kept her company while Alice was busy eating.
And here is Melody. The Disney reference is a little more obscure, but in the sequel to the Little Mermaid, it's Ariel and Eric's daughter. This satisfies my silly rules, since she remains in the mermaid universe with her siblings, and it's pretty close to being a merrybaby too. Close enough anyway.
Maid Marian has slept a lot this week and I haven't gotten too many good pictures of her yet, but I'll put up some more of her soon.
And as far as updates on getting help, my friend is ready to give two weeks' notice at her job as soon as I need her. If I stay by myself, I'm comfortably full- I have three full time babies and a part time. If I get two more babies who want to start, then I'll bring in help. I'm just having to play it by ear and wait on the phone to ring. :)