My Merrybabies are getting so big. They're sassy and fat and happy and oh my I love them. Merida is actually shaping up to be a possible redhead, I think, although it could certainly change. She doesn't have a ton of hair yet and it's still in that state where it could go either way. She's gotten super smiley lately and is a joy to be around. She's rolling and scootching a pretty good amount these days too and sometimes is five feet away from where I laid her down in a pretty short time. Pretty great for four months old! Her grip is amazing too. I can't find the post, but I know I've talked before about how if you take something from a firstborn, they may cry, but they give it up easily. A second child knows from day one that the older sibling will try to take stuff away and they hold on TIGHT. We refer to it as the second child grip, and pretty much every second child really does have it. Well. Miss Merida is a third child. The other day I went to pick her up out of the exersaucer and she lifted it off the floor with her. The girl is serious.
Merryweather is a champion sitter and loves to play the piano. She doesn't care much about rolling just yet- she might do it once if she feels like it, but at this point she would rather use her newfound loud and shrieky voice to see if I will bring her things instead of working on getting them herself. Can't say I blame her much on that count. It gets quick attention and it's easier. :) My current favorite thing about her is her fierce love. When you pick her up, she lunges at you with both arms, wraps around your neck and hugs you tight, all while trying to kiss your face ferociously with her wide open drooly mouth. It's sometimes a tiny bit startling, but it is very awesome.
Only two weeks left before Mater and Lady go off to their new school. It's definitely going to be different. I've already started rearranging the playroom a little and trying to figure out the best toys and space for my new crew. Well, not new, because I don't have any new ones starting right away, but it makes it feel all new whenever I add or subtract anybody from my mix. I got a new braided rug for the playroom and Mater spent a lot of time diving onto it and rolling around today. It was pretty cute. I'm glad they are enjoying it- I love it. Makes it seem much more cozy and we spent most of the morning all lying on it and playing.

Remy has learned to take off his pants. He takes them off sometimes during his nap, and most days I can tell they've been off because they're a little twisted, but it's not too bad. The other day though, he was magnificent in his inability to fix his drawers. It made me laugh a whole lot and then he got his feelings a little hurt. Lots of pant-fixing and hugging after this shot. :)

Ms Mimmie is still coming every Friday and the kids are really enjoying tumbling time with her. I think she wants to do a showoff day soon so all the parents can come watch. Should be fun.
They're doing pretty well at sitting in a line and waiting for their turn. Sometimes they wander, but they're getting the hang of it.
And not to be left out or undone, Alice and Perdita love my Viking hats. They call themselves "Fakings" and they run around wearing hats. Perdita usually makes me sing songs about it too. And when I took this picture I may possibly have been wearing the tall pink hat from Duchess's Mad Hatter costume. Maybe.
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