We have a new friend. She's settling in nicely and all the big kids are much enamored of her. The way O'Malley says her name totally cracks me up- it ends up sounding like "baby hose" and that is nowhere close to her actual name. But anyway... for the purposes of the blog I think she will be Bianca. The big girls are obsessed with The Rescuers lately and they think that little mouse is the cutest thing ever. They leaped all over it when I suggested that we call her Bianca.
I haven't been able to catch a good picture of her smiling yet. I can't wait to do it though- she has a thousand-watt smile that lights up her whole face. It is awesome.
But even without the ginormous smile, she's pretty darn cute. :)

I love that she actually keeps her headbands on. So precious!
I'll be checking periodically for that 1,000 watt smile :-) Too cute.
suppa cute! I am planning a baby shower here in China for one of my bible study friends who is having a girl, the excitement of that and cute baby girls like Bianca make me yearn for one of my own! Love on her for me!
I am another Auntie of Baby Bianca. We love, love, love the website, and her even more. It gave us so much joy to see here doing well in her new environment. Thank you for sharing your gift of child care with the world and enabling little Biacnca's family the ability to see her through the day even when we can't be near. Much love little one!!
How fun! It's really nice to know you are all reading. Most of the time family doesn't leave comments. :)
Hopefully I'll get some new pictures up next week.
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