I've decided to call my new girlie and her big sister after some of the fairies in the Tinkerbell movie. I'm running out of movies, but I figure I can get around my own rules if I say that Tinkerbell is from Peter Pan, and these new fairies are from Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure. So. Now we have Clarion and Silvermist, for no other reason than I think those names are the prettiest from the movie. I don't have any pictures of Clarion~ she isn't around much but I wanted to have a name for her just in case I need it this summer. Silvermist had her best day ever today. It's taken her a little bit longer to get used to the semi-chaos of group care since she didn't start as an infant. Now she's smiling and talking up a storm and having a good time.
I'm having a wonderful time with the 8 week old. We haven't had one start that young since Aurora last year. My husband laughs at me. He'll call and he can tell by my voice that I'm holding the tiny one. There's nothing like that newborn smell. I get all sappy. And just because he's so tiny and it makes me laugh, he's Hercules.
What were the naming rules?
Oh how I love that teeny-babyness. Sugar is only 4 months but NOT a newborn anymore and it's saaaad :(
I don't like to duplicate movies, and I like to keep siblings in the same movie, and I don't use villain names or any character that is mean.
I'm going to have to start duplicating movies before too long though, since I'm running out, but at least the next girl could be Tiana from Princess and the Frog. :)
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