Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I've made several references and put up a couple pictures about Songkran, but I never did the big picture dump post.  This is our second year to celebrate and it's one of my favorite days.  I wish I could actually be in Thailand during the festival one year to be more a part of it and really "get" the whole thing.  Kanga says it's amazing.
I was going to link to last year's post and then I realized I never did one like this.  There's a Songkran album on the facebook page, I think, but I never got around to posting here.  Shocking, I know. Anyway... pictures!  Out of order and chaotic, but that's kind of how water days go!

Copper and Roo jockeying for pool space

Hercules still is not super excited about getting very wet.

I totally forgot to tell her mama that we were doing water day- she's only here on Fridays.  Looking sporty in O'Malley's big t-shirt!

Getting ready to dive in
Tigger with a bucket of water, hunting Kanga down so he can throw it on her
Perdita had a great time watching from the porch

No such thing as too much water for Copper
Tarzan took control of the water guns!
Whoa!  Lots of water!

Cute watcher
Hmm... wonder if I could drink that?

Yes!  Yes I can!
Really?  Seriously?
Lady loves the water!

Mater didn't want to get in the pool, but was very happy to have friends throw water on him.  Silly boy.
Tasty mud?

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