Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Focus- Roo

Roo. She does a body good. So many funny things to say about her these days. She's talking up a storm and the things she says always make me laugh. She doesn't say "not" properly- she says "no" instead, so if you ask her if she's done? "no yet!" did you do that? "no me!" I have a feeling that will be one of those sayings I pick up and say for years, to the point where she's all, "Really? Could we just stop that now?"

Yet again with the minty fresh Colgate goodness. I need to come up with more of these out of the box kind of art projects- they all had such a great time that day.

Knocking over block towers and hiding blocks in the sand.

Running amok in the backyard as usual. She's getting faster and more agile every day. I think that must be why she's still so tiny slender- try getting down on your belly and commando crawling everywhere you go. It's seriously hard work. Much more so than crawling or walking, I think.

She's really come a long way in her physical skills development since the last post. She can pull herself into this position from the floor now and sit there, which is so great for her to be able to do lots of work with the other girls. She can play Mr. Potato Head and sit for story time and hang with the crowd much easier. AND! Although I have no pictures of it, she can pull herself to standing in her crib. Huge stuff.

We timed our first day of spring egg hunt to be during her physical therapy time so she'd be extra motivated to get out with Lisa and do some stepping. She had a great time hunting for eggs, although we had a hard time keeping the other kids from "helping" so much. They wanted to bring her all the eggs she noticed and we wanted her to practice walking so we had to keep hollering at them to back away and NOT help their friend. They were perplexed.

Like all the other girls, she's very into "I do it myself", and also picking up tons of silly phrases from us. The other day Tigger was crying. She asked Kanga, "Bubba sad?" and Kanga said yes, and Roo said, "Oh mama, Bubba sad! Bubba SUPER sad!"

And even though this didn't happen at school, it's too funny to not share. At the mall the other day Kanga had to pee. Her mom offered to stay with the kids in the food court so she didn't have to drag them both in there with her. As she's walking away, Roo yells, "MOMMA! Where you going?" Kanga's of course trying to be subtle- momma's gotta go potty, I'll be right back...

And Roo hollers, LOUDLY, "Okay Momma! You go potty! Go tee tee potty! Okay! WIPE!!!!"

Ah, the joys of motherhood, being so proud and at the same time wanting to run away screaming....

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