I'm not quite sure how Kanga ended up looking like the devious one in this picture- Tigger is all about mischief these days! He's a whirling dervish of energy. He stands on his sister to use her as a stepping stone for higher shelves. He steals everyone's drinks. He climbs on top of the table. He mostly refuses to use his words and instead chooses to emit a high-pitched shriek that stabs an ice pick into your brain. The two of us probably tell him fifty times a day, "Honey, that is SO loud! Please use your words!"
And yet, he is magical and fabulous and SO MUCH FUN. He gives the best squishy hugs of any kid I've ever taken care of at this age, including my own children. He squeezes tight and doesn't want to let go. It's very nice. He's got the most contagious drooly smile and when he's happy, it's the best thing ever.
Speaking of his future, he's got actor, makeup artist, or con man down cold. He has stolen his Kunyai's eyebrow pencil out of her bathroom so many times that she finally used it on him in revenge. Personally, I think the best revenge is then posting pictures on the internet. Let this be a lesson to you when you think of college, Tigger... there are people with cameras everywhere, willing to document your silliness for posterity!