Today starts Going On A Safari. We'll be studying African animals, culture, weather, and landscape. Looks like fun and should give us a chance to practice our new mammal identification skills as well.
Roo has been doing awesome in her physical therapy lately and her new stander was delivered last week. It's really bittersweet to watch her work with it. It's absolutely awesome that it's available, and that now she's able to stand up on a level with the other kids her age and have both hands free to color or play. I'm so thankful that we live in a time where we have so many opportunities to meet kids' needs in so many different ways. On the other hand, I hate so much that she even needs it in the first place. She's a magical kid. So much fun, with worlds of depth to her that a picture of her in a chair doesn't begin to cover. But, one step at a time. It's Kanga's fervent hope that working in the stander will give Roo the strength and balance she needs to be able to get up and walk away on her own. In the meantime, she really loves being in it and it's so much fun to get her involved in big kid stuff.
Bianca has joined the ranks of the big kids as well. Her schedule for a long time had been that she took a long morning nap and woke up for a late lunch while the big kids napped, and then many times was ready to go back down when they woke up. So she never got to interact with them much, and I didn't have very many pictures of her in the group. She's been enjoying the past few weeks running with the crowd now that she doesn't sleep quite as much.
Chip and Tinkerbell coordinated wearing their UT clothes the other day. It cracked me up that I COULD NOT get a picture of either of them smiling while wearing it. It was more like, see, my parents like this school and made me wear these clothes but I am so not excited about it... so cute though.
Silvermist has decided that she loves Aurora, and also Aurora's mom. She always wants to hang out for a few minutes when Aurora gets picked up. The girls are ten days apart and talk about each other all the time. Love it.
And in other news, Flik and O'Malley play games on their "iPhones" all day long. These are my old cell phones from several generations of electronics ago, with zero charge, nothing working at ALL. But they play skeeball and the alien game and text their families and talk to each other constantly about what new content might be downloaded. It's hilarious. Boys of the technology era, for sure. It's nice that they can blend it all in with their imagination so well.
I would imagine that our March recap will include Kanga delivering Tigger! The time is getting close on that. Chip's mom is going to be our backup and will be here while things get settled in the Hundred Acre Woods. :)
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